Kupenko Olena - docent, Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technology, Sumy State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Sphere of scientific interests: social and pedagogical systems, organization of project activity of students, interactive methods and electronic means of support of educational and volunteer activity of students. The author of more than 60 scientific and methodological publications. The main subjects are: Theory of Social Work, General and Social Pedagogy, Technology of Social Work, Professional Communication and Social Partnership.
Kostenko Andriana Mykolaivna – Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technologies, guarantor of the educational program "Political Technologies and Analytics", Head of the Center for Social Research, member of the Board of the NGO "Intellect of Sumy Region".

Mykola Nazarov – PhD in Political Science, Director of Research Center for Regional Security
Fields of research: regional security, post-Soviet transformations, party systems in post-Soviet space.
Author of more than 10 scientific publications including abroad.
Has experience in carrying out research work for the foreign, state and private institutions. Participant of international conferences, forums and summer schools in Switzerland, Sweden, Romania, Poland, Estonia.

Oleg Tuliakov - PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Promoting Regional Development of Sumy State University, Chairman of the Board of the NPO "Foundation for Regional Studies", media manager of the Sumy Channel project, author and host of programs
The author and manager of projects on the problems connected with sustainable socio-economic development of communities, direct democracy, reproduction of historical memory with the support of local budgets, the International Foundation "Renaissance", the Foundation "Memory, Responsibility and Future" (Germany). Author and teacher of courses on critical thinking within civic education projects. Participant of scientific research on issues of socio-economic development of communities and methods on teaching courses on the basics of critical thinking in the formats of civic education.

Scientific interests: philosophy, problems of organizing critical/effective/thinking, factors of exponential development, direct democracy.

Sportsman, multiple champion of the Sumy region, prize-winner of the championships of Ukraine in powerlifting.

Liudmyla Telizhenko - doctor of philosophy, associate professor. Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads and the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works. Member of the editorial board of scientific publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine. Co-founder of the Public Organization "Humanitarian and Legal Initiatives and Democracy". Member of the Public Scientific Organization "International Center for the Development of Science and Technology".

Field of scientific interests: philosophy of culture, philosophy of science, philosophy of law, transdisciplinarity, post-nonclassical rationality, integrity and essence of man, subject-object unity, Christian anthropology, mystical practices, hesychasm.

The author of almost 150 scientific and educational-methodological works, including 4 individual monographs and individual chapters in foreign and domestic collective monographs.

Has significant experience in scientific work with students, organization and holding of round tables, scientific conferences.

Sergii Korol - PhD in political science (speciality 23.00.02 – Political Institutes and Processes). Senior lecturer at Sumy State University
Research interests: cross-border cooperation, regional eurointegration policy, technologies of social work
Author of more than 20 scientific publications including abroad. Has experience in project work and grant activities

Alina Cherniakova – Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer/

Research interests: interethnic tolerance, value orientations, psychology of intercultural communication, psychology of communication, crisis psychology and basics of counseling, social and psychological training, psychological techniques of recovery and stabilization.

Author of more than 50 scientific and methodological publications, teaching aids, domestic and foreign monographs.

Svitlana Piven – Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary sciences, Senior Lecturer

Research interests: public health, health promotion, healthy lifestyles, conflict-related sexual violence, sociology and social studies.

Author of more than 40 scientific and methodical publications, including 2 textbooks, 15 professional articles, 5 articles in journals indexed by Scopus.

Yuliia Savelieva - PhD, social philosophy. Assistant professor of Department of psychology, politology and socio-cultural technology of Sumy State University
Coordinator and trainer of project “Prevention of Violence among Children and towards Children in Schools” of NGO "Women's Consortium of Ukraine". Consultant on gender-responsive budgeting of National Democracy Institute. Trainer of program “Financial sector transformation” of NGO “Ukrainian Women’ Fund” and USAID. Trainer on gender-responsive budgeting of UNDP and UN Women joint project “Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in crisis‐affected communities in Ukraine”. Sumy regional representative of project “Building women's political lobby in Ukraine” of Women Consortium of Ukraine
Volodymyr Semenov – PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor at Psychology, Political Sciences and Sociocultural Technologies Department.
Scientific interests: regulatory legal support for social work, history of development of state authorities of Ukraine, regional features of state formation in Ukraine
Author of more than 40 scientific and methodical publications, including a textbook, two collective monographs, 16 professional articles on public administration.
Has practical experience in government and local self-government.

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine, 
Corps "N", room. 312

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e-mail: [email protected]

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