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2002–2007 - A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Psychology department, Specialty: psychology and English
2003 – 2007 - A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Foreign languages department, Specialty: German
2005 - University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany), Courses: “Germany and culture” (individual grant program)
2013 – till present time - Psychotherapy courses of Symboldrama (Guided Affective Imagery) within the Ukrainian Psychotherapy Professional Community program.
2006-2007 - Sumy, School #10. Foreign languages teacher
2007 - to the present time - Sumy State University, Counseling psychologist, Assistant professor at Psychology, Political Sciences and Sociocultural Technologies Department
2010 - Participation in international grant project realization - UNDP-led project “Business-start: women initiatives support” (within program “Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine”).
2011 - Participation in international grant project realization - UNDP-led project “Students’ Stork” (within program “Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine”)
2012 – 2015 - Participation in European Commission grant project realization “Equal opportunities in getting profession for young mother-students in higher educational establishment (HEE)”
2016 - Participation in the Red Cross project realization «Support of the long-term social stability in Ukraine»
1. Kolisnyk L., Temruk O. The problem of emotional intelligence in current psychological thought / L.O.Kolisnyk, O.V.Temruk // Humanitarian Bulletin SHEE "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Gregory Skovoroda Pedagogical University": collection of scientific works - Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 2014. - Vol. 33. - P. 207-223. (
2. Kolisnyk L. The distinctive experience of loneliness in older adolescents / L.O.Kolisnyk // Bulletin of the Odessa National University. Series: Psychology. 19. Tom Odessa: Astroprint, 2014. - № 1 (31). - S. 102-110. (
3. Kolisnyk L. The problem of emotional intelligence in the history of philosophical - psychological thought / L.Koisnyk // Scientific Journal of MP Dragomanova. Series № 12. Psychological science: 3b. scientific papers. K : NEA Dragomanov 2013 - # 42 (66). - P. 82-90. (
4. Kolisnyk L. Emotional intelligence measurement problem / L.Kolisnyk // Problems of modern psychology: Proceedings of Kamenetz-Podolsk Ivan Ohienko National University, Institute of Psychology behalf GS Kostyuka NAPS Ukraine / ed. S.D.Maksymenka, LA Onufriyevryi. - Vol. 26. - Kamyanets-Podolsky: Axiom, 2014. - P. 278-295. (
5. Kolisnyk L. O., Temruk O. V. The issue of the correlation between emotional and social intelligence in psychology // Scientific Journal of MP Dragomanova. Series № 12. Psychological science: 3b. scientific papers. K : NEA Dragomanov, 2017. – #5(50). – P. 37-44.