Liudmyla Telizhenko - doctor of philosophy, associate professor. Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads and the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works. Member of the editorial board of scientific publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine. Co-founder of the Public Organization "Humanitarian and Legal Initiatives and Democracy". Member of the Public Scientific Organization "International Center for the Development of Science and Technology".
Field of scientific interests: philosophy of culture, philosophy of science, philosophy of law, transdisciplinarity, post-nonclassical rationality, integrity and essence of man, subject-object unity, Christian anthropology, mystical practices, hesychasm.
The author of almost 150 scientific and educational-methodological works, including 4 individual monographs and individual chapters in foreign and domestic collective monographs.
Has significant experience in scientific work with students, organization and holding of round tables, scientific conferences.