Kostenko Andriana Mykolaivna – Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technologies, guarantor of the educational program "Political Technologies and Analytics", Head of the Center for Social Research, member of the Board of the NGO "Intellect of Sumy Region".


Phone: (0542) 68-77-96

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Room N-312а


Higher education

2000-2005 – Uzhgorod National University, speciality «Political science». Master.

2010 - PhD in Political Science He has more than 40 scientific and methodical works, including six collections of sociological research.

Work experience

2011 - Deputy Dean for Scientific Work Faculty of Foreign Languages and Social Communications Sumy State University.

2009 - Work in Sumy gender resource center.

2007 to the present time – head of the laboratory “Center for Social and Humanitarian Aspects of Regional Studies ”of Sumy State University 2007 to the present time – senior teacher of political science, sociology and psychology department of Sumy State University

2005-2007 – deputy assistant

2005 р. – post-graduate studies, Uzhgorod National University, specialty "Political institutions and processes" and 2010 - Ph.D.

Projects work experience

2012 “since end of 2013gender expert in the project Equal opportunities in getting profession for young mother-students in higher educational establishment (HEE)”. The project funded by European Commission. Project lasts 2012-2015.

2011 - participation in the project program "Open World" training in the United States.

2011 - the project "Student stork." Implementation of the initiative "Family friendly University" to provide equal opportunities for students in keeping their right to education, self-fulfillment, family life and health. " The project is funded by the Equal Opportunities and Women’s Rights in Ukraine UNDP.

2010 - participation in the project documentation and information center of NATO in Ukraine study tour to NATO Headquarters (Brussels). 2010 - the project supported by the Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine UNDP "Business Start - supporting women's initiatives".

2010 - Construction of the first regional exit polls on the eve of presidential elections in Ukraine Responsibilities - Project Manager.

2010 - organizing a seminar for the Sumy regional public service "woman in public power: liberation from stereotypes." The result of which is to prepare the collection.

2008 - participated in the project "Promoting ethical standards in the education system, Sumy region," which is part of Ukrainian project "Promoting Active Citizen Engagement in Combating Corruption" Decent Ukraine ", which is implemented by Management Systems International (MSI) for financial support U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Duties - sociological study to determine the situation and combating corruption in higher education in Sumy region and prepare an analytical report.

2008 - participation in the international project "Lyubuzke Province - Sumy region - So far and so close." Internship in Lyubuzkomu province.

2008 р. – realisation of common project of Sumy State University and Sumy Region Employment Center «Influence of labour migration on forming the job market in Sumy region and determination of methods for supplying the economy of the region with qualified labour force». Responsibilities – coordinator.

2008 – participation in project «Assistance to ethic standarts growth in educational system of Sumy region», performed within national project «Assistance to citizens participation in fighting coruption «Worthy Ukraine», which was executed by the company Management Systems International (MSI) within financial support of USA Agency for International Development (USAID). Responsibilities – carring out sociological survey for determination of coruption condition in higher education in Sumy region and preparation of analytical report.

2008 – participation in project «Exploration of public opinion according to Euro-Atlantic integration», realised in cooperation with Institute of Society Transformation . Responsibilities – expert.

2008 – participation in international project «Lyubuzh province – Sumy Region – So far and so close». Period of trainee in Lyubuzh province.

2007 – participation in project «Technical help supply for prompt reaction to bird fluin Ukraine“realized by «International assistance and development. Inc.». Responsibilities – organisation and implementation of research in target groups for estimation the best poster and picture-postcard to be used for carring out prophylaxis-work ; preparation of analytical report.

2007 – participation in project «Elaboration and introduction of energykeeping technologies in places of common usagein Trostyanec», realized by Public Organisation “ Union of businessmen in Trostyanec” . Responsibilities – organisation and implementation sociological survey for expoloring the estimation given by the residents of Trostyanec to situation in communal sphere, in particular their considerations according to communal rates, condition of lightning and prospects to implemantation of energykeeping technologies; preparation of analytical report.

2007 – participation in project „Introduction of town’s model friendly to child inSumy region”, supported and realized by Sumy regional charity fund "Blagovist". Responsibilities – organisation and implementation of sociological researches in Sumy region.

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine, 
Corps "N", room. 312

Tel.: +38 (0542) 68-77-32

e-mail: [email protected]

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